Chapa Auto Craft continues our commitment to our kyle Texas and surrounding communities automotive safety, by ensuring your automobile is safe and ready for the road. 2020 has been a unique year with unique challenges, as our city gets back on the road let our automotive technicians make sure you and your car are ready to roll.
Many families are getting together and forgoing traditional holiday travel, so they are relying on their family vehicles for holiday travel. Some of these vehicles haven’t been on a road trip so we suggest stopping by Chapa Auto Craft for your routine maintenance.
Here is what we suggest:
Winter is here; It’s a great time to look at all the components that are designed to wear out on your vehicle. These include simple items like your windshield wipers, the most important safety features brakes, and tires. Let our automotive repair technicians check your vehicle’s most important points and give it a full safety inspection.
Oil Changes: You vehicles routine maintenance might have fallen to the wayside during this crazy year, but you can prevent unexpected and expensive unnecessary repairs by allowing our automotive repair specialist perform the routine maintenance including fluid inspections, tire rotation, and oil changes to make sure you’ll be able to count on your vehicle’s reliability and performance.
Batteries: There is nothing worse than being stranded in the cold by an old battery, come into our automotive repair shop and let us test your battery, we offer a full line of Interstate batteries that will keep your car cranking no matter what mother nature throws at you.
Stop by your kyle automotive repair specialist Chapa Auto Craft for all your winter travel needs! We’re here to help.